We take the steps of downloading and compiling NEMO4.2 code on ARCHER2. This post is written by TiPACCs PDRA Alethea Mountford (alethea.mountford@northumbria.ac.uk), thanks Alethea!
Suggested reading:
Installing NEMO
Get NEMO4.2.0, note that as of the NEMO4.2.0 release, svn is no longer supported. Further reading on the NEMO site
git clone --branch 4.2.0 https://forge.nemo-ocean.eu/nemo/nemo.git NEMORC
Build NEMO
Log-into ARCHER2. Based on NEMO4 ARCHER2 help page. Set-up your environment with:
module -s restore /work/n01/shared/acc/n01_modules/ucx_env
put into your ARCH folder, i.e.,/work/n02/n02/asmou/NEMORC/arch/arch-X86_ARCHER2-Cray_4.2.fcm
%XIOS_HOME /work/n01/shared/nemo/xios-trunk
%NCDF_INC -I%NCDF_HOME/include -I%HDF5_HOME/include
%NCDF_LIB -L%HDF5_HOME/lib -L%NCDF_HOME/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz
%XIOS_LIB -L%XIOS_HOME/lib -lxios
#OASIS_INC -I%OASIS_HOME/build/lib/mct -I%OASIS_HOME/build/lib/psmile.MPI1
#OASIS_LIB -L%OASIS_HOME/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
%CPP cpp -Dkey_nosignedzero
%FC ftn
%FCFLAGS -em -s integer32 -s real64 -O0 -hflex_mp=intolerant -N1023
%FFLAGS -em -s integer32 -s real64 -O0 -hflex_mp=intolerant -N1023
%FPPFLAGS -P -traditional
%LDFLAGS -lmpifort_cray
%AR ar
%MK gmake
%CC cc -Wl,"--allow-multiple-definition"
%CFLAGS -O1 -Wl,"--allow-multiple-definition"
Add -J
in /work/n02/n02/asmou/NEMORC/ext/FCM/lib/Fcm/Config.pm
, should look like
FC_MODSEARCH => '-J', # FC flag, specify "module" path
Test compile works, i.e.,
#path to where you cloned NEMO
cd /work/n02/n02/asmou/NEMORC
./makenemo -r WED025 -m X86_ARCHER2-Cray_4.2 -j 16
ls -lah cfgs/WED025/BLD/bin/nemo.exe
If -Dkey_nosignedzero
has been added to arch-X86_ARCHER2-Cray_4.2.fcm
then key_nosignedzero
should have been added to cpp_WED025.fcm
, i.e should have:
bld::tool::fppkeys key_xios key_si3 key_qco key_isf key_nosignedzero
If key_nosignedzero
is not present in cpp_WED025.fcm
, this can be added manually during compile:
./makenemo -r WED025 -m X86_ARCHER2-Cray_4.2 add_key “key_nosignedzero” -j 16
Make sure to link the correct xios server (trunk, not 2.5) in your working directory:
ln -s /work/n01/shared/nemo/xios-trunk/bin/xios_server.exe xios_server.exe
Download the WED025 auxiliary input files
wget https://zenodo.org/record/6817000/files/WED025_demonstrator_forcings.tar.zip?download=1
mv WED025_demonstrator_forcings.tar.zip\?download\=1 WED025_demonstrator_forcings.tar.zip
unzip WED025_demonstrator_forcings.tar.zip
tar -tvf WED025_demonstrator_forcings.tar
For further details, see: https://zenodo.org/record/6817000
In category: nemo4