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Christopher Bull

Aspiring Oceanographer at Northumbria University. Big data python enthusiast. Outdoor adventurer.

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We take the first step of downloading, compiling and testing XIOS and NEMO4 code on PSMN (ENS de Lyon; Lyon, France). This is a post based on an installation made by Cerasela Calugaru. Thank you Cerasela ! This post is written by Louis Saddier (, thanks Louis!


Suggested reading:

Installing XIOS

Log-into PSMN into a E5 partition node. Set-up your environment with:

module use /applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/modules/all/
module load netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-gompi-2023a

Get XIOS :

svn co XIOS

Now we need to create arch files to indicate the options we want when we will compile XIOS. First we will create a .path file:

cd XIOS/arch/
vi arch-X64_PSMN_E5.path

and write:

NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdff -lnetcdf"


HDF5_LIB="-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lhdf5 -lz"

OASIS_LIB="-lpsmile.MPI1 -lscrip -lmct -lmpeu"

Then, we will create a .fcm file:

vi arch-X64_PSMN_E5.fcm

and write:

%CCOMPILER      mpicc
%FCOMPILER      mpif90
%LINKER         mpif90

%BASE_CFLAGS    -w -std=c++11 -D__XIOS_EXCEPTION
%DEV_CFLAGS     -g -traceback
%DEBUG_CFLAGS   -DBZ_DEBUG -g -traceback -fno-inline

%DEV_FFLAGS     -g -O2 -traceback
%DEBUG_FFLAGS   -g -traceback

%BASE_INC       -D__NONE__
%BASE_LD        -lstdc++

%CPP            mpicc -EP
%FPP            cpp -P
%MAKE           gmake

Finally, we will create a .env file:

vi arch-X64_PSMN_E5.env

and then write:

module purge
module use /applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/modules/all/
module load netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-gompi-2023a
export HDF5_INC_DIR=$HDF5_DIR/include
export HDF5_LIB_DIR=$HDF5_DIR/lib
export NETCDFF_INCDIR=/applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-gompi-2023a/include
export NETCDFF_LIBDIR=/applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-gompi-2023a/lib
export NETCDF_INC_DIR=/applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/software/netCDF/4.9.2-gompi-2023a/include
export NETCDF_LIB_DIR=/applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/software/netCDF/4.9.2-gompi-2023a/lib

Now we will compile XIOS with the options we just created:

cd ..
./make_xios --arch X64_PSMN_E5

To test XIOS:

cd generic_testcase
mpirun -np 4 ../bin/generic_testcase.exe

If no errors appear, XIOS should be well installed.

Installing NEMO

Get NEMO4, in my case I’m using the 4.2.1 version:

git clone --branch 4.2.1 nemo_4.2.1
cd nemo_4.2.1/

If not already done do:

module use /applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/modules/all/
module load netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-gompi-2023a


source XIOS/bin/

As in the installation of XIOS, we need to modifiate some arch files that contain Fortran options for the compilation of NEMO:

cd arch
cp arch-linux_gfortran.fcm arch-PSMN_E5.fcm
vi arch-PSMN_E5.fcm

Uncomment and modify these 4 lines:

Note that you need to specify in the last line the path where you installed XIOS. In my case it was in my home folder /home/lsaddier

%HDF5_HOME           $HDF5_DIR
%NCDF_C_HOME         /applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/software/netCDF/4.9.2-gompi-2023a
%NCDF_F_HOME         /applis/PSMN/debian11/E5/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-gompi-2023a
%XIOS_HOME           /home/lsaddier/XIOS

On the %FCFLAGS line, add a last argument:

%FCFLAGS             -fdefault-real-8 -O3 -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fallow-argument-mismatch

Then we are ready to compile NEMO. Let’s try with the GYRE_PISCES configuration:

cd ..
./makenemo -m 'PSMN_E5' -r 'GYRE_PISCES' -n 'MY_GYRE_PISCES'

Finally you can test the execution of NEMO (here with 4 processors):

cd /nemo_4.2.1/cfgs/MY_GYRE_PISCES/EXP00
mpirun -n 4 ./nemo
In category: nemo4