Building the initial state and forcing fields for WED12.
Suggested reading:
Build the bathymetry (and ice shelf draft if needed) and coordinates files for the regional domain.
Go to your repo, and update the following file for your machine: vi BUILD_CONFIG_NEMO/
(in the ARCHER case this was unnecessary).
./extract_bathy_coord ## -> should create the bathy and coordinate files,
## e.g. and
## (stored in directory defined as config_dir in the namelist)
Build the mesh mask
Prerequisite: successful compile of NEMO (see Step 3).
Create mesh_mask file.
To do this, you need to run nemo.exe to calculate the exact mesh and mask. Run nemo with nn_msh = 1 in the namelist. No need to have all the input files here, just: xios_files, namelists,, and It will crash shortly after creating Details:
mkdir -p /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/run/create_mesh_mask_wed12
cd /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/run/create_mesh_mask_wed12
ln -s /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/bld_configs/input_WED12/
ln -s /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/bld_configs/input_WED12/
ln -s /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/bld_configs/input_WED12/
ln -s /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/models/XIOS/bin/xios_server.exe xios_server.exe
ln -s /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/models/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/WED12/BLD/bin/nemo.exe nemo.exe
#cp namelist_ref AND namelist_cfg into create_mesh_mask_wed12 folder
#cp namelist_ice_ref AND namelist_ice_cfg into create_mesh_mask_wed12 folder
#grab any xios2 files just so the model will start, e.g.
cp /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/models/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/GYRE_XIOS/EXP00/iodef.xml /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/run/create_mesh_mask_wed12_two/
cp /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/models/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/field_def.xml /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/run/create_mesh_mask_wed12_two/
cp /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/models/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/GYRE_XIOS/EXP00/file_def.xml /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/run/create_mesh_mask_wed12_two/
cp /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/models/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/GYRE_XIOS/EXP00/domain_def.xml /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/run/create_mesh_mask_wed12_two/
## NB: set jpni=jpnj=jpnij=0 in the &nammpp section of NEMO's namelist.
## and use the same &namdom parameters as in the simulation used as BDYs.
qsub ## this will create mesh_mask_${CONFIG}.nc before crashing
In my ARCHER case the
file looks like:
#PBS -N PC-eos80
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -l select=1
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -A n02-bas
export PBS_O_WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $PBS_O_WORKDIR)
aprun -n 2 ./nemo.exe
aprun -n 2 ./xios_server.exe
This should result in and out of this (check that mbathy, misf, isfdraft look sensible). We now need to stick them back together…
cd /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/run/create_mesh_mask_wed12
#From BUILD_CONFIG_NEMO, make sure NEMOdir is correct
mv $WORKDIR/input/nemo_${CONFIG}/mesh_mask_${CONFIG}.nc ## directory defined as config_dir
Create the inital state
Create the initial state (temperature and salinity)
./extract_istate ## -> should create the initial state for temperature and salinity
## e.g. and
## (stored in directory defined as config_dir in the namelist)
Ocean forcing files
Create the lateral boundary conditions (u, v, T, S, SSH, sea-ice thic, sea-ice frac)
./build_coordinates_bdy ## -> creates the coordinate file for lateral boundaries
## e.g.
./extract_bdy_gridT ## -> creates T,S bdy files and store them in a BDY folder
## itself located in directory defined as config_dir
./extract_bdy_gridU ## -> creates U bdy files and store them in a BDY folder
./extract_bdy_gridV ## -> creates V bdy files and store them in a BDY folder
./extract_bdy_icemod ## -> creates ice bdy files and store them in a BDY folder
./extract_bdy_ssh ## -> creates SSH bdy files and store them in a BDY folder
./ ## Edit this file first.
## -> concatenate the bdy files into yearly files
./extract_bdy_tides ## if you want to put tidal signals along the BDYs
Interpolate CICE onto NEMO
If necessary, interpolate CICE onto NEMO grid before running ./extract_bdy_icemod (above). We use CDO to do a linear interpoation. Here’s an example:
#hack up a griddes file so the source file looks more like the target..
cdo griddes > new_grid.txt
cdo griddes > old_grid.txt
#xname/yname as nav_lon/nav_lat (the latter seems to be important to match the target x/y names)
sed -i -e 's/TLON/nav_lon/g' old_grid.txt
sed -i -e 's/TLAT/nav_lat/g' old_grid.txt
#remove area from new_grid.txt, the following will help find it.
#grep –n “[a-d][f-z] new_grid.txt
#re-write with hacked grid defn
cdo setgrid,old_grid.txt -select,name=aice,hi,hs ../ ./
#Re-mapping, creating the weights first..
cdo gennn,new_grid.txt
cdo remap,new_grid.txt,
#copy interpolated data to a G07 file and match LIM variable names according to BUILD_CONFIG_NEMO/src/extract_bdy_icemod.f90
Other files (SSS for restoring, runoff, chlorophyll)
./extract_SSS_restoring ## -> creates SSS files and store them in a SSS folder
./ ## Edit this file first.
## -> concatenate the bdy files into yearly files
./extract_runoff_icebergs ## -> creates iceberg runoff file
## (stored in config_dir defined in the namelist)
./extract_chloro ## -> creates chlorophyll file
## (stored in config_dir defined in the namelist)
Atmospheric forcing files
Weights for the interpolation of atmospheric forcing
# here it is assumed that you have NEMO downloaded and installed as explained in step #1
maketools -m XC_ARCHER_INTEL -n WEIGHTS ## Adapt for any machine different from ARCHER (try makenemo -h)
cd WEIGHTS ## See nice README file in this directoy.
cp -p nocsutil/namelist_example_bilin namelist_WEIGHTS_${CONFIG}_bilin ## Edit this namelist
NB: you may have to increase char_len in src/kinds_mod.f90 if you include long path for file names.
Below is an example for namelist_WEIGHTS_${CONFIG}_bilin
input_file = ''
nemo_file = ''
datagrid_file = ''
nemogrid_file = ''
method = 'regular'
input_lon = 'LON'
input_lat = 'LAT'
nemo_lon = 'glamt'
nemo_lat = 'gphit'
nemo_mask = 'none'
nemo_mask_value = 10
input_mask = 'none'
input_mask_value = 10
num_maps = 1
grid1_file = ''
grid2_file = ''
interp_file1 = ''
interp_file2 = ''
map1_name = 'data to nemo bilin Mapping'
map2_name = 'nemo to data bilin Mapping'
map_method = 'bilinear'
normalize_opt = 'frac'
output_opt = 'scrip'
restrict_type = 'latitude'
num_srch_bins = 90
luse_grid1_area = .false.
luse_grid2_area = .false.
input_file = ""
interp_file = ""
input_name = "snow"
input_start = 1,1,1,1
input_stride = 1,1,1,1
input_stop = 0,0,0,1
input_vars = 'initial_time0_hours'
output_file = ""
output_mode = "create"
output_dims = 'x', 'y', 'time_counter'
output_scaling = "snow|1.0", "time_counter|86400.0"
output_name = 'snow'
output_lon = 'x'
output_lat = 'y'
output_vars = 'time_counter'
output_attributes = 'time_counter|units|seconds since 1995-00-00 00:00:00',
Then, execute these things:
#create links to relevant input files -> /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/bld_configs/input_WED12/ -> /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/bld_configs/input_WED12_mathiot_eORCA025-GO7/ -> /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/bld_configs/input_WED12_mathiot_eORCA025-GO7/
./scripgrid.exe ## namelist_${CONFIG}_bilin
./scrip.exe ## namelist_${CONFIG}_bilin
./scripshape.exe ## namelist_${CONFIG}_bilin
Then create another namelist: namelist_${CONFIG}_bicub
and just change these parameters:
interp_file1 = ''
interp_file2 = ''
map1_name = 'data to nemo bicubic Mapping'
map2_name = 'nemo to data bicubic Mapping'
map_method = 'bicubic'
interp_file = ''
output_file = ''
Then execute :
./scrip.exe ## namelist_${CONFIG}_bicub
./scripshape.exe ## namelist_${CONFIG}_bicub
At the end of this, you should have: