We will first install XIOS, and then NEMO. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to load netCDF and HDF5 libraries as well as Intel compilers. On ARCHER, run:
This worked with:
And doesn’t work if you do a module purge first, ARCHER on default currently loads:
We’ll do XIOS first. The recommended compiler suite for ARCHER is Cray. But as Admiral Ackbar said: “It’s a trap!”. You will need to use Intel!
Get the latest version of XIOS (currently XIOS 2), which is an I/O server to handle reading and writing data in NEMO. Source code and instructions can be found here.
You will need the .fcm, .path, and .env files for XIOS. Get the “arch” files for XIOS at:
Put them in the “arch” directory in the XIOS folder. If they are not available, they are as follows. The env file, /work/n02/n02/shared/baspog/arch-for-xios/arch-XC30_ARCHER.env:
The fcm file, /work/n02/n02/shared/baspog/arch-for-xios/arch-XC30_ARCHER.fcm:
The ‘path’ file: /work/n02/n02/shared/baspog/arch-for-xios/arch-XC30_ARCHER.path:
And then install XIOS by running the following command in the XIOS folder.
In my case, all of the above was:
The build took 1435 seconds (using the above module versions).
We are using the G06 Met Office revision, clone it (put your NEMO repository username in):
Open NEMOGCM/ARCH/arch-XC_ARCHER_INTEL.fcm and make sure the variables “NDF_HOME”, “HDF5_HOME” and “XIOS_HOME” point to the netCDF, HDF, and XIOS directories. netCDF and HDF5 directories can be found by running nc-config --all. XIOS_HOME should be where you installed XIOS.
In my case, this looked like the following “arch” file (compiler settings):
Put here: /fs2/n02/n02/chbull/nemo/models/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/ARCH/arch-XC_ARCHER_INTEL.fcm.