Do you remember the moment when you realised in Linux that clicking the mouse wheel pasted selected text? I had a similar reveleation when I discovered xclip recently, a handy utility for pushing text into the clipboard. I’m forever copying and pasting paths from SSH sessions so here’s a bash function that does the work for you…
function clipit() #clipit path
if [[ ( $# -eq 0 ) || ( $1 == "--help" ) || ( $1 == "-h" ) ]] ; then
echo "Usage: clipit FILENAME_PATHNAME"
echo "Purpose: gets full path of file or path and places in clipboard."
echo " "
echo "Requires: xclip"
echo " "
echo "Mandatory arguments: "
echo "FILENAME_PATHNAME: path to folder or file"
echo " "
echo "Example."
echo "clipit filename.txt"
echo " "
echo "becomes: "
echo "readlink -e filename.txt|tr -d '\n'|xclip -selection c"
return 1
readlink -e ${1}|tr -d '\n'|xclip -selection c
If you’re got apt-get and sudo rights, then you can install xclip with:
sudo apt-get install xclip
If you don’t have either of the above, then you can compile from source with (defaults to the slow but likely available GNU compiler):
wget wget
tar -xvf xclip-0.12.tar.gz
mv xclip-0.12 xclip
cd xclip
./configure --prefix=$HOME/xclip
Seems like a bit of work but it’s pretty quick. And then, once compiled, add the following to your ~/.bashrc…
#add xclip to the end of bash path
This assumes that you compiled in ~/xclip/ as above. Happy speedy copy/pasting!
In category: hpc